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1. PARTIES This Confidentiality Commitment (« Agreement ») is entered into between ATKA – Christophe Wautelet, hereinafter referred to as the « Developer », and you, the user of the iOS application « Livr’ici », hereinafter referred to as the « User ».

2. SUBJECT The Developer undertakes to respect the User’s privacy and to protect the information entrusted to them. This Agreement aims to describe the privacy practices of the « Livr’ici » application.

3. DATA COLLECTION The « Livr’ici » application does not collect any personal data or usage data from the User. No information is stored, neither on the User’s device nor on an external server.

4. USE AND DISCLOSURE OF DATA Since the « Livr’ici » application does not collect any data, no information will be used or disclosed to third parties.

5. SECURITY The Developer implements appropriate security measures to protect information against loss, misuse, and alteration. However, since the « Livr’ici » application does not collect any data, no additional security measures are necessary.

6. MODIFICATIONS TO THIS AGREEMENT The Developer reserves the right to modify this Agreement at any time. Any modification will be displayed in the « Livr’ici » application and will be effective immediately after its publication.

7. CONTACT For any questions or concerns regarding this Agreement, please contact the Developer at the following address: [email protected].

By using the « Livr’ici » application, the User accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Last updated: 05/21/2024